Friday, September 26, 2014

New love handles....

Is this a good thing? I'm not so sure.

Looking in the mirror this morning, my chest is thinner, but my gut isn't. And, on my sides, I now have fat bulges popping out the sides in the classic 'love handle' shape.

Depending on when you look at the scale, I've lost somewhere between 6-9 lbs. And, I think, based on the workouts, some of that is going to upper body muscle mass (which I've never really worked on).

I've also been "cheating"* in the back yard by doing these "walk the planks"  I'm doing 5 sets of 8, every Tuesday, when we do upper body in the gym.

Last sunday, did a 4-mile run. Hoping to do 5 or 6 this Sunday.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Week One, Day Two - Jenn

Boot Camp Workout

Getting up the second day wasn't as enthusiastic as the first.  Doesn't help that our alarm didn't go off as planned.  Barely had enough time to get dressed and get out the door. But we made it! Not to mention that as soon as I got up and moved my legs I realized what I had done to them the day before.  

Why does it always hurt more the next day?  It's like your body tricks you. 

It hurts to sit down and get back up!  But I did it. I went to the Gym at 5AM.  What a work out too!  All upper body arms, chest and abs.  Will I be able to lift anything tomorrow?  

I love the support of the people in the Gym. Today Travis and I got to work out with another couple in our group.  They were super supportive and encouraging.  Makes it better to have the comradery.


Is this dieting?  I feel like I am eating to much food.  All the protein and very little carbs is so filling.  I know it has only been 3 days of the diet so I might feel different next week. But so far we aren't complaining about the food.  

Pre-planning all our meals for the week is really helping.  We have some adjustments to make to the amounts we are cooking but we did pretty good!  Lunches and dinners for Mon-Wednesday are down and in the Fridge and I am working on a plan for Thur-Sat today. Good times!

Week One, Day One BootCamp Challenge - Jenn

I really did it.

I woke up at 4:15 AM and went and worked out.

Not just worked out but did Boot-camp at The Transformation Center in Huntington Beach, CA .  Last week Travis made a comment about having been up at 5:00 AM several times in the last 16 year and never seeing me.  Whatever.  So I am not a morning person.  Lets be clear.  I don't have to get up at 5:00am on the week days.  So I don't.  Well, I didn't.  Cause now I do have a reason to be up early.  At least for 6 weeks.

Lets talk about the second half of the above sentence "and went and worked out".  I don't work out.  Ever. Never have. Ever. It isn't in my blood.  I wasn't raised by people who "worked out".  In fact, the people that raised me avoided ALL strenuous exercise at any cost.  Hence why I am over weight and out of shape.  When parking my car I search for the nearest parking spot for 15 mins just to not have to walk to far.  In the parking lot.  I drive my kids to school everyday.  Two blocks.  So now I am teaching my kids to avoid exercise. Great.  They are going to grow up and be unhealthy too.  They aren't now. Neither was I when I was growing up.  Till I turned 26 or 27.  Then I started to to gain weight.

So here I am 41, 207 lbs with four kids who can all out run me.  Even the four year old.

At least I am doing something about it at last.  Why?  Why now?  Health.  I want to be healthier.  I want to feel good and look good.  I was once told by someone very dear to me I was too pretty to be over weight.  Because he remembers me at 16 and loves me enough to say the truth.