Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Week One, Day Two - Jenn

Boot Camp Workout

Getting up the second day wasn't as enthusiastic as the first.  Doesn't help that our alarm didn't go off as planned.  Barely had enough time to get dressed and get out the door. But we made it! Not to mention that as soon as I got up and moved my legs I realized what I had done to them the day before.  

Why does it always hurt more the next day?  It's like your body tricks you. 

It hurts to sit down and get back up!  But I did it. I went to the Gym at 5AM.  What a work out too!  All upper body arms, chest and abs.  Will I be able to lift anything tomorrow?  

I love the support of the people in the Gym. Today Travis and I got to work out with another couple in our group.  They were super supportive and encouraging.  Makes it better to have the comradery.


Is this dieting?  I feel like I am eating to much food.  All the protein and very little carbs is so filling.  I know it has only been 3 days of the diet so I might feel different next week. But so far we aren't complaining about the food.  

Pre-planning all our meals for the week is really helping.  We have some adjustments to make to the amounts we are cooking but we did pretty good!  Lunches and dinners for Mon-Wednesday are down and in the Fridge and I am working on a plan for Thur-Sat today. Good times!

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