Friday, September 26, 2014

New love handles....

Is this a good thing? I'm not so sure.

Looking in the mirror this morning, my chest is thinner, but my gut isn't. And, on my sides, I now have fat bulges popping out the sides in the classic 'love handle' shape.

Depending on when you look at the scale, I've lost somewhere between 6-9 lbs. And, I think, based on the workouts, some of that is going to upper body muscle mass (which I've never really worked on).

I've also been "cheating"* in the back yard by doing these "walk the planks"  I'm doing 5 sets of 8, every Tuesday, when we do upper body in the gym.

Last sunday, did a 4-mile run. Hoping to do 5 or 6 this Sunday.

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