Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Week One, Day One BootCamp Challenge - Jenn

I really did it.

I woke up at 4:15 AM and went and worked out.

Not just worked out but did Boot-camp at The Transformation Center in Huntington Beach, CA .  Last week Travis made a comment about having been up at 5:00 AM several times in the last 16 year and never seeing me.  Whatever.  So I am not a morning person.  Lets be clear.  I don't have to get up at 5:00am on the week days.  So I don't.  Well, I didn't.  Cause now I do have a reason to be up early.  At least for 6 weeks.

Lets talk about the second half of the above sentence "and went and worked out".  I don't work out.  Ever. Never have. Ever. It isn't in my blood.  I wasn't raised by people who "worked out".  In fact, the people that raised me avoided ALL strenuous exercise at any cost.  Hence why I am over weight and out of shape.  When parking my car I search for the nearest parking spot for 15 mins just to not have to walk to far.  In the parking lot.  I drive my kids to school everyday.  Two blocks.  So now I am teaching my kids to avoid exercise. Great.  They are going to grow up and be unhealthy too.  They aren't now. Neither was I when I was growing up.  Till I turned 26 or 27.  Then I started to to gain weight.

So here I am 41, 207 lbs with four kids who can all out run me.  Even the four year old.

At least I am doing something about it at last.  Why?  Why now?  Health.  I want to be healthier.  I want to feel good and look good.  I was once told by someone very dear to me I was too pretty to be over weight.  Because he remembers me at 16 and loves me enough to say the truth.

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